After a summer of silence, the Wheaton Municipal Band will return to Memorial Park this Thursday to kick off its 92nd season. WBBM Newsradio's Rachel Pierson reports.
Dr. Bruce moss was recently interviewed by Dr. Charlie Menghini for a podcast airing June 21, 2020. The episode features conversations with Kevin Lepper, percussion teacher and Dr. Bruce Moss. Kevin Lepper provides some strategies to get your percussionists ready for the fall, including marching band and the year in total. Dr. Bruce Moss, Director of Bands at Bowling Green (OH) State University and Conductor of the Wheaton (IL) Municipal Band shares his story and provides some history and insights on the Wheaton Band's 90 years as a community treasure. The interview with Dr. Moss starts at the 24:33 mark of the podcast.
If you are a band director or really interested in the concert band profession, please listen to all of the podcast episodes here: Band Talk With Charlie Menghini and Friends.